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Pressure Management & Sports

Pressure Management helps athletes enhance their performance, maintain composure, and unleash their full potential even in high-pressure situations in two unique ways: instilling oneself with natural combatants of pressure, and by providing an innovative breakthrough evidence approach to tackling every athlete’s biggest fear: choking under big game pressure.

Building Your COTE of Armor

Pressure Management enables athletes to build their COTE of Armor: a powerful combination of confidence, optimism, tenacity, and enthusiasm. These attributes are natural combatants of pressure and help all athletes put their best effort forward. Confidence allows athletes to approach their event without anxiety. Optimism develops a positive mind set that allows athletes to compete with the hope of success rather than the fear of failure. Tenacity enables the athlete to overcome setbacks and pursue their goals and enthusiasm keeps athletes energized throughout their competitions. All of these attributes reinforce each other letting the athlete enter their competitions with nerves of steel!

Immunization to Athletic Choking

Pressure Management teaches athletes how to immunize themselves to athletic with three steps:

  1. Habituating a pressure-reducing mindset: a set of beliefs and self statements that reduce an athlete’s feelings of pressure and become automatic thoughts when competing
  2. Arousal Management: athletes learn to keep their physiology at a level that is conducive to their optimum play.
  3. Match Play. Based on the premise that pressure is managed differently at different times, Pressure management helps athletes by providing pressure solutions for managing the anxiety the night before one’s event, pre-game butterflies morning of even,  staying focused during the event,  and dealing with post event feelings.

The combined efforts of building one’s COTE of Armor and immunizing oneself to athletic choking not only enhances athletic performance but also minimize choking incidents and increase overall enjoyment of one’s sport.

Sports and Pressure

"*" indicates required fields

When you are participating in an athletic context, rate the influence of each factor on your performance, with 1 being little influence and 9 being strong influence.
1. Importance*
2. Threatening perception*
3. Uncertainty*
4. Audience*
5. Incentives*
6. Aversion to negative outcome*
7. Feelings of responsibility*
8. Competition*
9. Tme*
Find out how to avoid the pressure zone and how pressure management can advance your athletic performance with a free ten minute consultation.