The evidence is undeniable: feelings of pressure hamper our cognitive abilities, such as attention, memory, judgment, and decision-making—the very tools necessary for success in various situations, be it a sales call, a crucial conversation, or handling an emergency. Moreover, pressure impairs our psychomotor skills, leaving us trembling when faced with a high-stakes putt or performing a well-rehearsed task in front of others. It also erodes our ethical standards, making us more prone to cheating and lying. Parents worldwide often subject their children to unhealthy levels of pressure, leading to a myriad of mental health problems among the youth. And the world becoming more competitive intensifies the feelings that one must perform or be left behind.
Expert Guidance for Pressure Management

Hendrie Weisinger, Ph.D., is a highly accomplished expert in the fields of clinical, counseling, organizational, and school psychology. He is widely recognized as a pioneer in the emerging field of pressure management, having dedicated his studies and research to understanding how individuals can perform at their best when it matters most.Dr. Weisinger’s groundbreaking work has resulted in The New York Times Bestseller, Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most, as well as the critically acclaimed book, The Unlikely Art of Parental Pressure.With a focus on evidence-based approaches, Dr. Weisinger has developed innovative pressure management programs that have helped hundreds of thousands of people who struggle with performing under pressure, including tailored programs for athletes, teams, and coaches to prevent choking in high-stakes situations.
In addition to his expertise in pressure management, Dr. Weisinger is a leading authority in the closely related field of emotional intelligence. He has authored several influential books on the subject and is recognized as the first psychologist to customize emotional intelligence for specific industries such as finance and real estate.Dr. Weisinger’s contributions extend to the realm of constructive criticism, where he is the originator of the highly regarded Criticism Training. His New York Times Bestseller, Nobody’s Perfect: How to Give and Take Criticism, along with The Power of Positive Criticism, have provided invaluable insights in helping people convert criticism from a put down destructive encounter to a put up energizing force. Dr. Weisinger’s work in anger management has resulted in the publication of “Anger at Work” and “Dr. Weisinger’s Anger Workout Book,” offering practical strategies for managing and channeling anger constructively.
As an esteemed educator, Dr. Weisinger has taught at prestigious business schools including Wharton, UCLA, NYU, and Cornell. He has also served as a consultant and conducted workshops for numerous Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and professional organizations. His expertise has been featured in prominent publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, among others. He is also sought-after guest on podcasts, a blogger for and The Huffington Post, and has made numerous appearances on major news and information outlets.
Dr. Weisinger has a world wide network of experts who can help you meet your pressure management needs. Get referrals by contacting him.